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Showing posts from February, 2012

This thing called growing up...

So there's this thing that you just may have heard of called "growing up". Despite the fact that it indicates that you will grow in the motion of upwards (whether that be 'up in the world' metaphorically or just get taller I'll leave you to decide), there are - from what I have experienced myself and through hearing other peoples tales - many ups and downs. I've been listening, or rather watching, "The Miracle of Swindon Town" today... John Green's commentaries entertain me immensely and it was really interesting to see things from a guys perspective, especially from a particular man that I have immense respect for! He talks a lot about college and his final years in high school, which are what I am currently experiencing. It's so odd to think that he was at the stage I was once at and now he's there  just being so incredibly awesome! I'm going on some University taster days (by taster days I mean one at Oxford. Oxford. ) soo...

Girls on YouTube

You know something that is really  annoying me lately: slimey YouTube comments. I posted a video, admittedly yes because I knew it would get attention because I'm a girl talking about Skyrim, wearing a vest top because that happened to be what I was wearing at the time and I've had really... objectifying comments. It's not even as if some of these comments are commenting on my looks, they're commenting on my body. I don't even care if guys think when they see a girl in a low-cut top "ooh, boobs!" but they don't (usually) voice this in person, so why should they be allowed to do it on the internet? It annoys me greatly; imagine if I was two years younger and had done the same thing? It would put me in a very vulnerable situation, and it still does in a way. I want people to view my content because they like what comes out of my mouth, not because I'm female and film in casual clothing. I've even had someone accuse me of angling my camera so ...


I've been battling with my confidence since I was 12/13 years old, and I finally feel comfortable with who I am. This is not going to be a sob-story... more of a gushing of annoyance, really. I honestly, hand-on-heart, don't understand hateful commenters on YouTube and as many times as people say "they don't matter" "ignore them", they do get to me. Admittedly, some of my videos are terrible - I can accept that but most of them I put effort into and I think about what I want to say and do and try and make people smile or laugh. Two of my videos in particular have had people being either crude or just plain hateful on them; I'm not going to take them down because I worked on them, I made them how I wanted them to be and yeah, they might be bad, but that's the way I made them. I mean, it's not as if I really care what these people think, but some of the comments make me feel so humiliated and wonder why I even bother. I'm not saying I...

'Looking for Alaska' by John Green

During this week I gave myself a break from reading my school books and decided to re-read LFA (something I've been wanting to do  for a while). I post reviews on Goodreads and I decided to copy mine across to share on my blog. Why? Because I feel it shows a bit about me. This book didn't change my life, but the way my life has changed has made be able to appreciate it more and relate to it more. Growing up is a funny thing, huh? Having read this for the first time in the summer of 2010 and having come back to it after nearly two years I find that it has a much bigger impact on me. Back in 2010 I was only just fifteen years old, I was going into year 11 (the year that practically changed my life) and I was - not to be condescending to any 15 year olds out there; this was just me personally - simply unable to understand some of the things discussed in LFA. I am now the same age as Miles, I am in Sixth Form (so my schooling is more like his) and I can relate to all the char...

Realising some things...

This blog post will be a mush of several things. Enjoy at your own risk.. :-) 1) Concerning YouTube; whenever I've made videos, I haven't really, honestly  given them much thought. I've stood in front of a camera and talked, this produces various results... mainly average or mediocre at best - what I'm really saying is, they've just been things that I've done , I've not given it much thought and they're not something that I have really been proud of doing. BUT  after scripting, filming, editing and uploading this  (it opens up in a new window) video... I realised that I was proud of it. Really, really proud; the stuff that I was saying actually got through to people, and people agreed. I want to take more time with my videos and actually think about the content, rather than doing "turn-on-camera-aaaand-GO" videos. 2) Concerning myself and others; I'm not going to dwell on this too much, but all I want to say is that I've realised th...

Those surreal moments...

It began snowing today in work - I turned into a giddy little kid again... I cannot tell you how much fun that was. I've been in a very giddy mood in general today, I had a nice day at work, it snowed, amazing happenings went on auf der Twitter and I had a lovely night last night. Life is officially really good. So I had this idea about a notebook for Nerdfighters. It was a small bubble of an idea, a MINUTE one! I asked the wonderful people of Twitter whether they'd be interested, Freya (@FreyaLikeStea) said she was, so I decided to go ahead with it. It's now planned to go to the land of the Dutch peoples and  then to Lindsey (@PotterMoosh, Wednesday on Sarcaschicks). This is surreal, really... really... AH! The idea that my little bubble of thought is actually happening, people are actually excited about being involved just makes me so happy and feel... fulfilled! In other news, I've now bought a Ukulele AND a new camera (I previously did this - it was faulty)....

Many waves to you, reader.

This is being published to the world, anyone - anyone - can read it, providing they have internet access and what have you. You get the idea of having a blog in your mind, and it seems great... fantastic... brilliant! You sit down in front of the moniter, hands poised, and your mind goes blank; this happens a lot, especially in exams. It seems a whole year or so of work just floats out of your mind like a floaty thing. It's not like it actually goes anywhere, just something in your silly old brain stops you from remember things. Just like the fact right now that my brain is stopping me from remembering what I wanted to type out. I don't even know really how to phrase anything. I mean, I could phrase things in a chatty, overly friendly way and say "HEY! Well, here's a bit about me!" but it seems... wrong, somehow. But I should probably do just that, really. I suppose. If you want... I'm a teenager living in England, I go to University next year (fingers...