Oh hey future (now present) Claire (or random reader, hi to you too!). You're about to start reading (yet) more books. You really shouldn't, but you are. School is busy... very busy and you feel on top of things and waaaay out of your depth at the same time. You're on your third draft of your personal statement and your UCAS application is very nearly done. It's scary. One of your best friend's is going to university next Sunday, this saddens and excites you very much. A vast array of things are happening right now: medical, school, money contemplations (and spendings), parties, friend stuff. I'd like to think that in six months you will be in a little better (if not better clearer) place than you are right now. Sometimes it's important to take a step back and relax a little (but relax in moderation and don't make a fool of yourself). The spontaneous things are the things that please you most, you keep finding this out. You should also listen to yo...
Literature and Life