My blog has hit over 4,000 views. In the two years that I've been writing here I never actually reckoned anyone would read it. I don't actually know what people think when they read these really odd words from my head but *waves*. It's nice to see you here. If you ever actually want to say hey then I have a twitter on which you can contact me: This summer seems to be all about the big numbers; I'm tackling the legend that is Ulysses by James Joyce. Well, I say I am tackling, I haven't actually started it yet but these are my feelings about it: [ x ] I've heard it's rather a challenge but hey ho, I'm going to try. Among the sea of Ulysses I will be dabbling in many a-book over summer; page after page tumbling into my head. I'm hoping to get back into the mode of devouring books - it's been a while. Since finishing university for the year I've been wiped and am currently in a bit ...
Literature and Life