I haven't even attempted to write this blog post until now because I haven't really fully contemplated the goings on of this past week. To say they have been crazy, mad, bonkers... dumbfounding even would be a slight understatement.
After spending the last three days recuperating and avidly watching season 2 of Gilmore Girls I have finally realised that I, Claire Margerison, have just left school. I have four exams and a results and that's it. Kaput. Done. Bam. Gone. Poof.
My last day and leavers' ball (prom, whatever you may call it) were sublime - and I genuinely mean that. Other than the nearly fainting and having to leave and getting laughed at in the leavers' assembly, it was utterly perfect. I spent a majority of my prom catching up with teachers and just talking to them about the future, about the past, about my ex-boyfriend in particular (hah, sorry Michael - suffice to say I think you enjoyed the conversations too!). It was amusing and fun and just great. I spoke to people that I hadn't spoken to in a long time, I caught up with people that stress prevented us from doing so previously, I decided to become a teacher and planned to start a school with one of my teachers! It was, to quote my Lit teacher, fantabulous.
I don't think it's really hit me yet... and I don't think it really will until next week, when my exams are creeping up and I go in for a revision session and then it's all "she doesn't even go here" and it will be dramatic.
I have spent the last few days starting a job (it was amazing; free coffee and lovely people. Great. Good. Yup.), spending time with various friends and watching Gilmore Girls. Oh, and drinking so much Coffee that I think I've turned into coffee.
The last time, in fact the first time, I marathoned GG was when I was doing my GCSEs... my GCSEs. I was young. And not even Season 1 Rory's age. Wow. Now I'm just a little older than season 2 Rory.
This blog post is called 'expectations' because it's something I'm contemplating a lot at the moment; people are expecting me to do well in my exams, my expectations were exceeded with regards to leaving school, I have expectations forming about future people and summer and my job that I've just started (which, coincidentally, I expected to suck at).
So many things are changing but it's good. But it's sad. I don't know what to expect really...
After spending the last three days recuperating and avidly watching season 2 of Gilmore Girls I have finally realised that I, Claire Margerison, have just left school. I have four exams and a results and that's it. Kaput. Done. Bam. Gone. Poof.
My last day and leavers' ball (prom, whatever you may call it) were sublime - and I genuinely mean that. Other than the nearly fainting and having to leave and getting laughed at in the leavers' assembly, it was utterly perfect. I spent a majority of my prom catching up with teachers and just talking to them about the future, about the past, about my ex-boyfriend in particular (hah, sorry Michael - suffice to say I think you enjoyed the conversations too!). It was amusing and fun and just great. I spoke to people that I hadn't spoken to in a long time, I caught up with people that stress prevented us from doing so previously, I decided to become a teacher and planned to start a school with one of my teachers! It was, to quote my Lit teacher, fantabulous.
I don't think it's really hit me yet... and I don't think it really will until next week, when my exams are creeping up and I go in for a revision session and then it's all "she doesn't even go here" and it will be dramatic.
I have spent the last few days starting a job (it was amazing; free coffee and lovely people. Great. Good. Yup.), spending time with various friends and watching Gilmore Girls. Oh, and drinking so much Coffee that I think I've turned into coffee.
The last time, in fact the first time, I marathoned GG was when I was doing my GCSEs... my GCSEs. I was young. And not even Season 1 Rory's age. Wow. Now I'm just a little older than season 2 Rory.
This blog post is called 'expectations' because it's something I'm contemplating a lot at the moment; people are expecting me to do well in my exams, my expectations were exceeded with regards to leaving school, I have expectations forming about future people and summer and my job that I've just started (which, coincidentally, I expected to suck at).
So many things are changing but it's good. But it's sad. I don't know what to expect really...
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