I think everyone has qualms with their families. There's things we like and, naturally, don't like about the people we spend our time with. We have disagreements and upsets and we are very likely to all have different views on how things should be done but all in all we've kind of been put together because of genes so sometimes have to face the music.
After spending time away from family to study at university I've come to appreciate my family more. Not only this but I also see them as people with individual thoughts and ideals... kind of like the moment you realise that your teacher is, holy moly, a person with a life outside of school. (I know, crazy right?) Through these realisations full of gratitude, and yes slightly bitter reality I have been able to come to terms (well more so than before) with the fact that disagreements happen. People don't see eye to eye. Sometimes people will never understand how your mind works or how other people work. That's just how the cookie crumbles, kiddo.
Equally I've become closer to my sister, learnt that my family will support me if I need it and happily let me explode or cry on them now and then. They want to know what's going on in my life because they care. My sister (sorry Hannah) particularly, is someone that I'm (hah) having to let grow up and realise that she is kind of my age and I should treat her that way. (She's still my baby sister, shush.)
Yes, there are going to be awkward conversations and moments of laughter, and unfortunately moments of sadness. But maybe the fact that we're put together means that we can shout at each other and cry and disagree and still appreciate each other, even if we don't see eye to eye sometimes. Maybe that's what family is about... or should be anyway? Who knows, it's 2am and my brain is probably broken.
I feel exactly the same since I spent the summer and now uni away from home!