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Harry Potter

As well as the release of the new Potter short story on Pottermore, Thursday 26 June 2014 marked the 17th anniversary of the publication of JK Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. These books have imprinted on a generation of people and I myself, though not entirely or soulfully, include myself in that. Though I didn't read the series until about 2009/2010, Harry Potter has indeed had a profound impact on my life and will continue to do so for years to come; it's only on reflection that I realise the extent of which it has influenced my childhood.

I certainly remember my friends talking about the books, even at year 1/2 their parents had read them to them so they knew what was going on. I also distinctly remember wanting to read them; I bought the first book at my school book fair back in 2003/4 (I think) and the first Harry Potter book I picked up was at my Grandmother's house in - it was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and, though it was the third book, it began to enchant me. I remember watching the films; I'd get them on video as presents, until the third film was released and I got scared so couldn't watch it until I was about twelve or thirteen.

It was then that I really began being touched by the series. Every morning my best friend Rachel and I would play Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on Playstation 2; we would get so engrosed. Then, as summer approached, we would 'play' Harry Potter outside. I'd be Hermione, she'd be Harry and her rabbit Primrose (hopping around the garden) would be Ron. Bouncing on the trampoline we'd fight of Dementors and various other bugs and beasts. We'd 'replenish' ourselves with a transfiguration spell, turning the hedge next to us into a replenishing potion (duh). These times definitely stay with me, and make me feel giddy with excitement that we spent hours playing those games.

From this Rachel and I began to work on a present for our other friend Rachel. We wrote a story (and it was LONG, especially considering it was a world we'd created and was written between homework and coursework pieces, and obviously our games); Rowling's world inspired us to create our own.

When I did get around to reading the books, I was enchanted. Admittedly, the writing was as I'd previously thought - not amazing. I'd definitely read better style. However the story, the world, that characters enchanted me entirely. I still to this day remember waking up at the crack of dawn to sit and read Order of the Phoenix in France, because I simply could not put it down.

I look around me and I see a generation of people who are passionate; passionate about magic, and love and seem to understand what it means to be enthused and enchanted. The books have inspired a generation of readers and lovers and believers. Whether the writing is legendary or not, the story most definitely is.

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live" Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

P.S. If you're wondering, I'm hufflepuff - always have been & always will be.


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