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More Endings: Second Year of University

It seems that our lives are compromised of endings; lots of little chapters with some loose ends, some rather neatly tied up. Four years ago I left compulsory education to do my GCSEs, now I'm about to sit an exam that will mark the end of my second year at university. We seem to have this incessant need to categorise times in our lives. It allows us to look back at certain times and recall memories, whether fond or bad with a sense of reflection.

Fifteen year old Claire was very different from now. I was about to embark on my first relationship, I was young and naive and also very, very ignorant. Luckily, I was ignorant in the nicest way possible; I was handled with care by all those around me. I drank for the first time with the best possible people I could have, my first kiss was much the same. I am so, so lucky to have grown up the way I have.

This year has also thrown some trials at me. I started second year thinking it would follow a very different thread that it has done. Although I am feeling better about how things have turned out, until I leave this room (which, admittedly, I do love. It's my very own space to be Sara Crewe in) and close that front door behind me, I will let go of so much and feel a big sense of relief. I've learnt in my second year of university, that to love oneself and enjoy one's own company is one of the hardest but most important skills to have. Without gaining that skill, and battling with myself I wouldn't have stuck this year out. I never realised how not alone I was until I kind of was. And even then, I had the most supportive and lovely friends. I continue to do so.

I've also learnt to forgive and forget, to work harder than I've ever worked, to be tolerant, to juggle a billion things at once, to be assertive and most of all to be ambitious and believe in myself. I've made decisions this year that will have an impact on my life. I trust myself more than I ever have done and I honestly believe that I can do it (whatever it turns out to be).

Next week I embark on two weeks with the lovely folks at Icon Books doing my first ever publishing experience. (Follow me on twitter and instagram to get second by second updates... that sounded more appealing in my head!) This summer I am also having surgery, so here's a heads up for that appearing at some time in the near future.

Good luck to all you lovely people with exams. Even if you don't have exams, lots of hugs and sunshine to you anyway. See you on the other side. x


  1. Good luck with your exams! I've just finished second year myself (luckily I don't have exams though haha)
    Shona x


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