SPOILERS. As someone who really started watching Who when Matt Smith came onto the scene last night should have been really special. And as I sit with a glass of Bailey's whilst my German cousins set up a treasure hunt for my sister and me I thought I should probably try and formulate my thoughts around what exactly was shown last night on our telly-boxes. Aside from the fact that I didn't really watch series 7 seeing Matt Smith leave the show did make me really sad. The memories that this show evoked so many feelings and the conversations, tears and laughs that it caused are not something I'm ever really going to forget. I liked that loose ends were tied and how it was brought back to the beginning of the series. The Amy/Doctor story and the River/Doctor story have been my favourite long-standing story of Matt Smith's time as the Doctor. That is not to say that I like the dialogue involved with it. The writing of the special - and the 50th - I did not appreciat...
Literature and Life